October 19th - 25th 2019
All events are 6 – 8:30pm EXCEPT the Grog and Dog Jog on Sunday, 1 – 4pm
Malted Barley
@Malted Barley
Foosball Tournament
1 – 4pm
A host of craft beers and
The bad idea that keeps getting worse: a running-eating-drinking relay, Grog and Dog Jog
@The Wild Colonial
Get sticker points for running or volunteering (check in with us at registration)
Buttonwoods Brewery
@What Cheer Tavern
20% off food for event card holders
Buttonwoods merch for event card holders
Cornhole tournament
@Rogue Island
10% off food (except wings, which are already 50 cents each) for event card holders
Industry night – 25% off for professional bartenders with pay stub
Balancing Act
20% off food for event card holders
Shaidzon merch for event card holders
Coaster tossing tournament
Founders KBS
@Pizza J
20% off food for event card holders
Trinity release of Imperial Pumpkin Ale
@Trinity Brew House
20% off food for event card holders
flip cup
@Pizza J
20% off food for event card holders
20% off food for event card holders
Grey Sail pouring their new Little Sister session IPA
@Wickenden St Pub
20% off food for event card holders
Grey Sail merch for event card holders
Pin the tail on the merperson contest
Foolproof pouring their new Ocean State IPA, plus Mango Vango and Irish Rhode
Discount on food
Foolproof merch for event card holders
Jenga tournament
Beer on Earth
@Pizza J
20% off food for event card holders
20% off food for event card holders
20% off food for event card holders
Lost Nation founder Allen Van Anda
@Pizza J
20% off food for event card holders
Final puzzles and awards